7 Basic Tips For Self Grooming

Your image is like the weather, noticed only when extremely good or bad!!

Everyone wants to look smart. And it becomes all the more important when you’re working and you need to meet people on regular basis. Self-grooming is an essential aspect of image consulting. By grooming yourself you can feel more confident and present yourself in a better way. By following the given steps you can surely make a good impression on the people you meet as well as the one's around you.


Maintaining personal hygiene during Ramadan

The first and elementary part of your self-grooming is hygiene. It is a basic necessity in our day to day lives. Moreover maintaining a good standard of hygiene can keep us away from numerous infections, illness, and bad odors at bay.

Your face is the first point of contact when you meet someone. It is not necessary that you need any sort of makeup to look professional and make a good impression, it is the tidiness that matters. Just keep your eye crusts clean, make sure you don't have bits of edible items near your lips, avoid having facial hair, and keep your brows trimmed.

As a general rule, keep your skin clean and dry. It is natural for you to sweat and have oily skin in humid conditions but if it is so then you should be careful about your skincare regime. Some women do not prefer to clear out their body hair but that's never an issue, we all are free to make our choices but the only thing to be kept in mind is that don't let them grow densely that it makes you feel embarrassed.

If we talk about hair, it is better if they are nongreasy and tied up if you are wearing something formal but if you're meeting someone informally then it's up to you how you want to keep it. Bangs are okay unless you're spending too much time pushing them away from your face.

Your nails should be trimmed and tidy. Nowadays women are fond of the acrylic nails that are in trend no doubts on that but in your professional life it is better if you be as simple as possible but there are no hard and fast rules for that if you want to grow your nails make sure they are clean enough and it is better to keep washing your hands time to time to avoid a weird fetid hands.

When we meet a person, we get familiar with their odor but having a bad one could be something to worry about. It's very normal to have sweat issues but they could be taken care of using suitable colognes, you shouldn't choose pungent or strong ones as it they could be uneasy for someone's nose.


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A right look won’t close the deal but definitely win the opening argument. Given the standard five seconds to make a visual first assessment of you. Experts agree that your appearance exudes a powerful message. But you will only make a mark if you are dressed according to the occasion or else it’ll be of no use. A person with high standards is never a show-off so I guess we all agree that being simple, chic, and tidy can make you turn the tables. Coordinate colors, patterns, and fabrics. Well-fitting clothes worn over fitted lingerie is the golden tip! Shop for the right size of clothes that you fit into not the size you want to be. I’d advise preparing your clothes and accessories the night before an important day so that you can make sure they’re properly ironed and clean enough. The most important but neglected thing, remember to empty your pockets out of bulging keys and tinkling change.

Shoes are an important part of your attire. Wearing the right shoes with the right outfit can help you improve the shining hour. Wear the ones that don’t make you limp or drag your feet or hurt your leg and make you feel uncomfortable because admit it or not we don’t want a disaster to happen.

Coming up to jewelry, try and keep it as less as possible because we don’t want people to think that we are way too extra if you are wearing a dress just go with hoop earrings, your watch, and not more than two rings. Chose a gown for the evening, tie your hair in a chic bun, put on a pair of studs, wear a thin bracelet, grab your clutch, and voila! 


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The reason for cosmetics is to make you look prettier by highlighting and contouring your best feature, not to turn you into a different person. I’d advise you to avoid overdoing it as for us Indians, makeup is never enough but applying just a bit of it in the right amount would make you look a lot better. Don’t make your face look cakey, especially on a hot summer day try applying as less makeup as possible. The basic mistake we do is, that we don’t blend it properly which looks just fine for the time being but after a while, our face starts to look patchy and discolored which could be a reason that’s going to ruin your day. For the people who have serious dark circles and blemishes, I suggest you use Matt foundations, fixing sprays, not too greasy moisturizers, and carry a pack of wipes with you for a summer day out.

Secret tip: double-sided cloth tapes, fixing sprays, a tiny perfume bottle, a compact, and your shade of lipstick for the day should be like staples in your purse for makeup emergencies.


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Confidence is the key to all your deals because when it comes to making a good impression, body language and a confident personality can often speak louder than your words. Self-esteem is how you see and value yourself whereas self-confidence is having faith in your ability. Neither self-esteem nor self-confidence are static they vary in different situations depending on the presence of different people and personal stress levels but one should never forget his own worth and the motive behind his each and every action as to why he started for it in the first place.

Almost everyone gets a little nervous when meeting someone or putting up a deal but this can lead to unwanted side effects, such as nail-biting, the “jitters” or sweaty palms. By being aware of your nervous habits you can keep a check on them. Moreover, some basic etiquette would help you feel more confident and make you stand alone from other people


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People feel like they can impress others by just their looks or their fancy clothing and stuff but that’s not true at all because having etiquette is the basic necessity if you want to out-stand yourself. You need to maintain proper body language when you’re presenting yourself to anyone, not for a minute or two but the whole time you’re in the room.

The first and foremost one is to be on time until and unless it’s a do or die situation, you need to be punctual in fact you should schedule yourself in a way that you arrive ten minutes early. Stand tall, make eye contact while talking to someone, smile(of course), greet with a firm handshake and this will project confidence and encourage both you and the other person to be at ease. Making a good impression does mean to “fit in” but that doesn’t mean losing yourself or pretending someone you’re not. You should project the authentic self that would help you to be more confident,  gain trust, and earn respect and integrity in the eyes of the people you meet. Remember that you should be attentive while the other person is speaking and while listening makes sure you’re standing in the right posture making eye contact, keep your hands free, and relaxed don’t stick them to your pockets or stand lousily with crossed elbows. 

More crucially, your general politeness to everyone, and not just among people who ‘matter’ will create an important impression about how you value others.


Businesswoman talking in conference room meeting - Stock Image ...

Improving some fairly basic communication skills and increasing your self-awareness will improve your ability to present yourself well. Knowing that you are more likely to say the right things, and look the part, will help you increase your confidence. Those who are good at verbal communication understand the impact of their particular choice of words and choose the right words for the situation and the audience. They are skilled at getting their message across to others and ensuring that it has been received. Good communicators also use their voices effectively to convey their feelings and to influence their audience. Your voice says a lot about you and learning how to use it more effectively has many benefits. There are several aspects to your voice, including accent, tone, pitch, and volume. Some of these are easier to change than others, but it is worth thinking about how each of these affects your audience so that you can learn to use your voice more effectively. 


The very last point is that before getting into an interview you should have enough knowledge about the field youre getting into moreover about the companys history in which youre appearing for the interview this enables the interviewee or the person that you are well prepared in advance and did not just stood up there for the interview or meeting. Moreover, you should be up to date with the current affairs and new discoveries this will make you feel knowledgeable to others as well as to your own self.


Grooming is not just about physical appearance apart from our looks, it is equally important to observe and groom the way we speak, we walk, we sit, and present ourselves. The way you’re groomed shows people your confidence and your attitude towards yourself and your life.

All these practices are basically to boost your self-confidence. But if you keep worrying about doing things the” right” way, you’ll end up feeling self-conscious instead and that, in turn, will make you look less confident. So follow these self-grooming tips but don’t go crazy over them.